What is Eye Donation?
Eye donation means donating the eyes of a person after death for transplantation with the family consent”.
About – Cornea
The cornea is the clear dome-like window covering the pupil that lets light pass through to the retina, allowing us to see. Corneal transplantation is the most common type of eye transplant because a healthy, clear cornea is needed for good vision. A cornea that is injured or damaged by disease can become swollen or scarred which can cause blurry vision.
In corneal transplant, the damaged cornea is removed by a surgeon and replaced with a clear donor cornea. While this type of transplant is the most common related to the eye, it is not the only way people are able to regain the gift of sight through transplant.
Who & When – Can Donate Corneal Tissue?
Most people are potential cornea donors because age, eye colour and eyesight are not factors for donation. Additionally, a cornea donor’s blood type does not have to match the recipient’s blood type. Which means that everyone is a universal donor for corneal tissue!
- Eyes should be donated within 6-8 hrs of death.
- Anyone can be a donor, irrespective of age, sex, blood group or religion.
- Anyone with cataract or spectacles can donate eyes.
- People suffering from hypertension, diabetes can also donate eyes.
- Total procedures take 15-20 minutes. There is no disfigurement of the face of the donor.
- Anyone can be a donor, irrespective of age, sex, blood group or religion.
- Eyes can be donated even if the deceased had not formally pledged their eyes during their lifetime.
- The Eye Bank team will rush over to the donor’s home or any other place where the body is available after death. This is free service in public interest.
- After pledging please inform your family about your wish to donate eyes, so that they can fulfil your wish.
- For eye donation, please fill the pledge form and send it to any of the nearest eye banks. They will register you as an Eye donor and will provide you with an individual Eye Donor Card.
- Spread information & awareness about eye donation. Your word adds value to the movement of the eye donation.
- When donating the eye of the deceased, do remember to:
- Dial the nearest Eye Bank within 6 hours of death.
- Switch off the fans and keep the air conditioner or cooler on.
- Raise the head with the help of a pillow.
- Place a wet cotton swab on closed eyes.
Why – Give someone a brighter tomorrow
- Blindness causes social and economic burden to the individual, the community and the nation.
- There is a great shortage of donated eyes in our country.
- The eyes must be removed within 6 hours of death. Kindly inform the nearest eye bank immediately.
- The eye bank team will rush over and the simple bloodless procedure will be over in less than 15-20 min.
- There is no disfigurement of the face of the deceased. 10 ml of blood will be collected for tests.”
- After removal the eyes are analysed, processed at the eye bank and then cornea is transplanted within 96 hours.
- Eye banks come under Human Organ Transplantation Act, and are given registration after inspection by competent authorities. Donated eyes cannot be brought or sold as it is a crime under the act.
- Fill in the pledge from the given over leaf and send it to the nearest eye bank. Retain the eye card on your person.
- We would welcome your support as an individual or an organisation in spreading public awareness about eye donation.
Do you know?
- While the term “eye donation” is common, there is no whole eye transplantation. Most often only corneal tissue is recovered for transplantation.
- Cornea is the clear tissue covering the front of the eye.
- If the cornea becomes cloudy from disease, injury, infection or poor nutrition vision is dramatically reduced or lost.
- Corneal blindness can be treated by replacing the damaged cornea by a healthy donated human cornea. The human cornea can be produced through Eye Donation only.
- Corneal blindness affects mainly children and young adults who have a long life ahead of them.
- Though we have trained, highly qualified surgeons and hospital facilities to do the transplant we do not have enough eye tissues to do the surgery.
- Approximately 0.32% of our country’s population is blind and are waiting for corneal transplantation.
- One eye donation can give sight to two corneal blind persons.
Eye Donation in Nepal
Nepal Eye Bank at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology